"Landfall" By Country Florist... Listen Now...

On the heels of last month's amazing Waveland album... Andrew Morgan as Country Florist is back with some new tracks for your head... Dig it... We sure do... 

On Landfall... From Andrew Morgan... "The piñon's burnin', so you know we're home and cookin'. "Landfall" is a Waveland promo mixtape digitized. Outtakes, roughed up jams, and notes to self. Tear along the perforations and pour some boxwine. Set yr glass down before you get down."

Landfall by Country Florist... 22:13...

1. Peter's Son
2. Crouch Cleaners
3. Ursulines
4. Shinbone Polish
5. Look Up
6. All the Things that Bound Me

Author: Jeff Kuykendall